Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence
star of bethlehem flower essence
your safety is a birthright.
star of bethlehem is a master healer of trauma, shock, fear & stress. it is particularly good at helping us find the ability to let go of our vigilance around the stored truama patterns when we are hesitant to do so. star of bethlehem consoles us. this flower helps us find ease in our own being again.
star of bethlehem has a long history with healers as a remedy for first aid. It can be used in the moment of anxiety or fears presenting, after an immediate trauma, for healing long term patterns of settling for less or having our power taken away slowly, and from old deep wounds & traumas. this ally is a sweet small beautiful flower, lighting the way home to our wellness & to ourselves.
a prayer for working with star of bethlehem,
"i am free to resource safety in my own body.
it is safe for me to let go of my fears & to sit in the power of love."