Bone Tired Alchemical Saturn Essence
an essence for healing fatigue at a bone deep level. working with saturn plants to come into energetic alignment with surrender.
comfrey flower, shepard's purse seed, boneset leaf, wild lettuce leaf, solomon's seal flower, and foxglove.
6 plants for the 6th planet.
The familiar place of death life rebirth that is so hard. Nothing will be the same, nothing will change except everything, and all that this last portal is asking for is Surrender. The kind of Surrender which calls on all the parts of self: the wounded, the healed, the divine, the guardians, the shadow, the ego, the character, the believer, the creator, the lover, the mother, the priestess, the magician. How on Earth does one Surrender simultaneously in All Parts of Self, even the most hidden and unwilling? these are the kind of deep sentiments that the saturn bone tired essence works with. it brings the deepest softest pillow to the hard edged and tiring issues that saturn rules in our lives. and gives us rest! reprieve! surrender! and energetic alignment.
what this essence says is that it's not so much the issues that have been making us tired, but the heavy handed saturnian way we are approaching them. The essence helps us frame back into a skeletal bone level of support with the animus for easeful relationship with the boundaries and structures of life.